4 Types Of Rehabilitation And When Each Is Needed

There are different types of rehabilitation that individuals can undergo, you can look out for the types of rehabilitation and when each is needed, depending on the condition of the person through this blog post.

Substance abuse which is the indiscriminate use of illicit drugs, alcohol painkillers, and other narcotics amongst teenagers and young adults is fast becoming a huge problem in society, and all these lead to the deterioration of the health of the youths who are engaged in substance abuse as it affects them both physically, mentally and emotionally.

Because of these incessant behaviors, different measures are been taken to ensure that the rate at which youths engage in substance abuse is curtailed. There are different smoking cessation methods and replacement medication available for youths to quit the lifestyle. Interested individuals can also help these youths overcome these habits by researching how to become a substance abuse counselor and also obtain a free substance abuse certificate by attending online classes.

Some of these youths are taken to rehabilitation centers to abstain from substance abuse recuperate and recover.

This article will bring to light what rehabilitation means and the types of rehabilitation that are available as well as when each is needed. Before delving into the types of rehabilitation, let’s look briefly into what rehabilitation means.

Rehabilitation is the act of restoring or reviving someone back to health or a normal life through therapy or training. The person involved is someone who has been either sick, injured, aged, or deep into addictions.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), rehabilitation helps a child, adult, or older person to be as independent as possible in everyday activities and enables participation in education, work, recreation, and meaningful life roles such as taking care of family.

The place where someone undergoing rehabilitation is kept for improvement is called a rehabilitation center. I will be talking shortly about the types of rehabilitation available in rehabilitation centers. In the meantime, based on your curiosity, you can find out how vitamin C abuse can harm you.

4 Types Of Rehabilitation

There are different types of rehabilitation, but I will be listing and discussing the major 4 types of rehabilitation here. They are as follows;

  • Preventative Rehabilitation
  • Restorative Rehabilitation
  •  Supportive Rehabilitation
  • Palliative Rehabilitation

1.       Preventative Rehabilitation

Popularly known as “PreHab”, preventative rehabilitation is the type of rehabilitation in the form of exercise that is done before an injury has been sustained. This type of rehabilitation is usually done before surgery to help aid in the prevention of injury. Prehab can also be used as preparation before undergoing musculoskeletal surgery.

Most times, before surgery, the surgeon will recommend a course of Prehab. Prehab is used to assess your body or joint before surgery is performed, creating an individualized exercise program for you to perform prior to surgery. This ensures that you become stronger or more flexible prior to surgery, therefore typically making the rehab (post-surgery) process easier and smoother.

Preventative Rehabilitation is a common form of rehabilitation in long-term conditions, such as Cancer, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Diabetes, and many neurological conditions.

2.       Restorative Rehabilitation

This is a type of rehabilitation exercise that focuses on interventions that improve impairments such as muscle strength or respiratory function and cognitive impairment to get maximal recovery of function.

This is a common form of rehabilitation after surgery, illness, or acute events such as a major trauma or a stroke in order to maximize function. This restorative rehabilitation can be in the form of body movements such as the hands, legs, necks, and other parts of the body after recovery from illnesses like stroke or other neurological disorders.

3.        Supportive Rehabilitation

Supportive rehabilitation increases a person’s self-care ability and mobility using methods such as providing self-help devices and teaching people compensatory strategies or alternative ways of doing things. This may include the provision of assistive equipment or environmental modifications.

This is sometimes referred to as adaptive rehabilitation. In the case of someone with a leg injury or accident, supportive rehabilitation can be in the form of learning to work well with the aid of clutches or any equipment that would enable them to walk.

4.       Palliative Rehabilitation

This Is the process of helping a person with a progressive, often terminal illness reach their physical, psychological, and social potential consistent with physiological and environmental limitations and life preferences. Palliative rehabilitation is aimed at patients in the terminal stages of illness. This type of rehabilitation helps them manage their symptoms.

4 types of rehabilitation
Photo by Ryutaro Tsukata: https://www.pexels.com/

It often focuses on relieving symptoms, such as pain, dyspnoea, and edema, preventing contractures, breathing assistance, psychological well-being, relaxation, or the use of an assistive device, in order to maximize functional independence and support comfort, dignity, and quality of life.

Some of the diseases that need palliative care are; cancer, cardiac diseases such as congestive heart failure (CHF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), kidney failure, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), and many more.


Now that you have seen the 4 types of rehabilitation available, you can decide to get into one, depending on your state of health or the individual involved.
