Klovinal is good for the treatment of yeast infection. Yeast infection is also known as Vulvo-Vaginal Candidiasis.
Klovinal is used for its treatment because it contains an antifungal drug called clotrimazole as one of its components (active ingredients).
Clotrimazole is used for the treatment of yeast infection. Since clotrimazole is contained in Klovinal, it proves that Klovinal is used for yeast infection treatment.
In addition to its use for yeast infection treatment, Klovinal also helps in preventing recurrent yeast infection. This is made possible by one of its components called lactobacillus spores.
To know more about Klovinal, please click here.
To know more treatment options for yeast infection, seeĀ Vulvo-Vaginal Candidiasis treatment guidelines.